Echo0002 | Philo & Radićeva 1

Echo0002 | Philo & Radićeva 1

This party is in the past

Drum and Bass


KUD Channel Zero, Metelkova ulica 4

Friday, May 3, at 23:00

**LLP unfortunately wont make it this time due to health issues** SLO [ENG below]: Druga edicija Echo0000 se bo zgodila tretjega maja v KUD Channel Zero! Serija predvidenih petih dogodkov v 2024 se bo osredotočala na obujanje ritmov bass žanra - značilnega za obdboje devetdesetih na britanskem polotoku - ki po Evropski alternativni sceni odmeva že več kot tri desetletja, ter na zbliževanje slovenske klubske subkulture s podobnimi iniciativami po balkanu. V tokratni ediciji gostimo 𝗣𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼 - nemško producentko z izdajami na založbah kot so Nice & Deadly, nonesuch, Stereo45, Defrostatica, Hardcore Energy, Basswerk in Miura Records, voditeljico oddaje Take a break na kultni spletni radijski postaji in soustanoviteljico kolektiva Précey, ki se osredotoča na ženske in nebinarne umetnice na lokalni sceni v Kölnu. Njeni eklektični izbori vedno vključujejo britanske vplive, breakbeat, 4-to-the-floor ritme, dubby bassbin jungle, progresivni house in bolj techno navdihnjene dragulje, s kančkom nostalgičnih zvokov 90. Let. Ponovno bodo lineup popestrile tudi okrepitve z juga: tokrat iz Sarajeva v Ljubljano prvič prihajajo predstavnice_ki kolektiva Radićeva 1, LLP, SESTRE in UMANEA. Lokalni del selektorjev večera bo tokrat zastopala GPN GPN iz kolektiva Nimaš Izbire. Karte v predprodaji med 22.4. In 2.5. - - preko promotorjev, in v Big Nose trgovini lahko serialko podprete z zgodnjim nakupom karte in/ali supporter mercha. 💌 ____________________ LINEUP: 👾Philo [AT/DE, Précey] 👾LLP [BIH, Radićeva 1] 👾SESTRE [BIH, Radićeva 1] 👾UMANEA [NL/BIH, Radićeva 1] 👾GPN GPN [SI, Nimaš Izbire] ENTRY FEE: 10€ Presale @ Big Nose shop & via promotors 12€ At the door Music Policy: Bass, Jungle, Electro, Footwork, Techno, UK Hardcore, Eurotrance Friday 3.5.2024 @ KUD Channel Zero 23-05 Promotor: Contact: Powered by: Big Nose Ent., Club Mate Slovenija, Dobra Vila Pizzeria, Radio Študent,, Snail Papers, Redoljub. ____________________ ENG: The second edition of Echo0000 will take place on May 3rd in KUD Channel Zero! The series of five events planned for 2024 will focus on reviving the rhythms of the bass genre - a staple of the 90s UK scene - which has been echoing in the European alternative scene for more than three decades, and on bringing Slovenian club subculture closer to similar initiatives in the Balkans. In this edition, we welcome 𝗣𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼 - a German producer with releases on Nice & Deadly, nonesuch, Stereo45, Defrostatica, Hardcore Energy, Basswerk and Miura Records, host of the Take a break show on the cult online radio station and co-founder of Précey, a collective focusing on female and non-binary artists in the local scene of Cologne. Characteristics of her eclectic selection always involve UK influences, whether it's between breakbeat, 4-to-the-floor and dubby bassbin jungle or excursions into the realms of progressive house and more techno-inspired gems, with a splash of nostalgic 90s sounds. Reinforcements from the South will once again add to the lineup: for the first time, representatives of the Radićeva 1 collective, LLP, SESTRE and UMANEA are coming to Ljubljana from Sarajevo. The local part of the lineup will be represented by GPN GPN from the collective Nimaš Izbire. Tickets on pre-sale between 22.4. and 2.5. - - through promoters, and in the Big Nose shop you can support the series by buying a ticket and/or supporter merch early. 💌