La Burja Latina / World Fusion

La Burja Latina / World Fusion

This party is in the past



Prulček, Prijateljeva ulica 2

Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 20:00 - 23:00

La Burja Latina prinaša veter divje glasbe v Prulček! Ta edinstveni ansambel prečka oceane in združuje tradicionalne ritme Latinske Amerike z mističnimi harmonijami Balkana. Na krilih kolumbijskih "gaitas" flavt, kitare, bobnov in vokalov vas bodo popeljali na glasbeno potovanje, ki prekipeva od energije in strasti. Njihova glasba črpa navdih iz ritmov cumbie, ki se je rodila na karibski obali Kolumbije, ob reki Magdaleni. Pred približno 500 leti so se tam srečale tri kulture: staroselci, afriški sužnji in evropski kolonizatorji. Preplet teh kultur je ustvaril edinstven zvočni izraz, ki še danes odmeva in navdihuje Pridružite se nam in doživite to glasbeno senzacijo v živo! Vstopnice so omejene, zato rezervirajte svojo čim prej! Glasbeniki, pevci in plesalci skupine: Carol Gutierrez (Kolumbija) Katarina Gregorič (Slovenija) Maria Keck (Madžarska) Guillermo Escalante (Argentina) Projekt podpira Luna Gitana --------- La Burja Latina brings a wild wind of music to Prulček! This unique ensemble crosses oceans, combining the traditional rhythms of Latin America with the mystical harmonies of the Balkans. On the wings of Colombian "gaitas" flutes, guitars, drums, and vocals, they will take you on a musical journey overflowing with energy and passion. Their music draws inspiration from the rhythms of cumbia, which was born on the Caribbean coast of Colombia along the Magdalena River. About 500 years ago, three cultures met there: the indigenous people, African slaves, and European colonizers. The blend of these cultures created a unique sound that still resonates and inspires today. Join us and experience this musical sensation live! Tickets are limited, so reserve yours as soon as possible! Musicians, Singers, and Dancers of the Group: -Carol Gutierrez (Colombia) -Katarina Gregorič (Slovenia) -Maria Keck (Hungary) -Guillermo Escalante (Argentina) Supported by Luna Gitana