Moonlee Stage

Moonlee Stage

This party is in the past



Klub Gromka, Masarykova cesta 24

Thursday, February 22, at 20:00

Moonlee Records celebrates 20 years in 2024! 22. 2. 2024 @ Klub Gromka Moonlee Records is an independent record label established and run since 2004 by a handful of music enthusiasts from Slovenia and Croatia under the command of Mr. Moonlee, a giant lemon not very fond of being squeezed. In 2011, it expanded into Moonlee Booking to organize shows and tours for Moonlee bands in Slovenia and abroad. Moonlee Records is home to some of the finest guitar bands from the former Yugoslavia region. It is rightly considered one of the most influential indie record labels in the area. Repetitor, KOIKOI, Bernays Propaganda, Moveknowledgement, Borghesia, Lelee, ŽEN, Seine, Analena, Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident, Damir Avdić, Nikki Louder, Vuneny – these are just some of the names that Moonlee Records has released and promoted over the years. Happy birthday, Mr. Moonlee! LINEUP: Analena (HR, SI) Nikki Louder (SI) Seine (HR) ŽEN (HR) KOIKOI (RS) - performing on Friday, 23. 2. @ Gala hala 🔴 DAILY & FESTIVAL TICKETS: 🔴 MENT PLAYLIST: ___SI Moonlee Records v letu 2024 praznuje 20-letnico! Neodvisno založbo Moonlee Records je leta 2004 ustanovila ekipa glasbenih navdušencev iz Slovenije in Hrvaške pod vodstvom gospoda Moonleeja, velikanske limone, ki ne mara stiskanja. Leta 2011 se je založba razširila v Moonlee Booking, ki za varovance založbe organizira koncerte in turneje v Sloveniji in tujini. Moonlee Records je dom nekaterih najboljših kitarskih zasedb z območja nekdanje Jugoslavije. Upravičeno velja za eno najvplivnejših neodvisnih založb v širši regiji. Repetitor, KOIKOI, Bernays Propaganda, Moveknowledgement, Borghesia, Lelee, ŽEN, Seine, Analena, Debeli Precednik / Fat Prezident, Damir Avdić, Nikki Louder, Vuneny – to je le nekaj imen, ki jih je založba Moonlee Records izdala in promovirala skozi leta. Vse najboljše, gospod Moonlee! LINEUP: Analena (HR, SI) Nikki Louder (SI) Seine (HR) ŽEN (HR) KOIKOI (RS) - nastopajo v petek, 23. 2. @ Gala hala