Nikola x K4 | Lucia Lu

Nikola x K4 | Lucia Lu

This party is in the past



Klub K4, Kersnikova ulica 4

Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 22:00 - 05:00

Nikola se še zadnjič vrne v podzemlje prestolnice in pomaha v slovo do jeseni. Od tokratne gostje lahko pričakujete nič manj kot absolutno največ in prav s tem odnosom se je prebila skozi površje mračne, snobovske berlinske scene. Lucia Lu, rojena v nemški prestolnici, združuje udarne zvoke s svojo visoko energično prisotnostjo. Njeni topli, optimistični soulful seti združujejo katarzično plesnost housa in tehna z drznimi pop, hip-hop in disko himnami iz preteklih let in so močan protest proti strogemu, samoresnemu vzdušju, ki prevladuje v sferi elektronske glasbe. Množico plesalk in plesalcev bo ogrel Gezeer in s svojo selekcijo britanskih garage bangerjev garantirano poskrbel za vročico, ki se bo nadaljevala vse do konca. Za zadnje dejanje bo poskrbel domači rezidenčni dvojec RotorMotor in vam v imenu ekipe Nikola, ob prižganih lučeh velikega floora, še zadnjič v tej sezoni pomahal v slovo. Na malemu floor bo tokrat prava glasbena džungla. Polner in Urson bosta s svojimi čudaškimi počasnimi house koračnicami odprla bar. Za nadaljevanje pa bo s premiernim nastopom poskrbel DJ TURBO MAXIMUS, novi projekt starega znanca Kersnikove Felisa Catusa, ki krmari med percussion-heavy bass bangerji in eksotično klubsko muziko iz daljnih dežel, od kudura prek gqoma do baile funka. Dobrodošli vsi, ostalim nasvidenje čez poletje. Nikola returns to the underground of the capital one last time and waves goodbye until autumn. From tonight's guest, you can expect nothing less than absolute greatness, and it is with this attitude that she has broken through the surface of the dark, snobbish Berlin scene. Lucia Lu, born in the German capital, combines pounding beats with her highly energetic presence. Her warm, optimistic soulful sets merge the cathartic danceability of house and techno with bold pop, hip-hop, and disco anthems from years past, serving as a powerful protest against the strict, self-serious atmosphere that prevails in the electronic music sphere. The crowd of dancers will be warmed up by Gezeer, who will undoubtedly keep the heat going with his selection of British garage bangers until the very end. For the final act, the local resident duo RotorMotor will take care of you, waving goodbye on behalf of the Nikola team one last time this season. The small floor will be a true musical jungle this time around. Polner and Urson will kick things off with their quirky slow house marches. For the continuation, the newly emerged DJ TURBO MAXIMUS will provide a premiere set mostly focusing on percussion-heavy bass music and exotic club beats from faraway lands, ranging from kuduro via gqom to baile funk. Welcome everyone, farewell to the rest until the end of summer. BAZEN: Geezer Lucia Lu RotorMotor Bar: Polner b2b Urson DJ TURBO MAXIMUS Presale tickets: Artwork by Martin Smrekar KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana IG: klub_k4 STAROSTNA OMEJITEV / AGE LIMIT: 18+ VSTOPNINA / ENTRANCE FEE: Earlybird: 13€ Regular presale: 17€ At the door: 20€ INFO: GARDEROBA / LOST & FOUND