Roots in the Woods jammin

Roots in the Woods jammin

This party is in the past



Cesta XIV. divizije 62

Saturday, December 9, at 20:00

🚦Tokrat v Dvorani Gustaf Pekarna z dvema fenomenalnima ozvočenjima!! - živahen Urbi's Hi-Fi in Roots in the Woods Soundsystem. To glasbeno popotovanje bo vključevalo ekskluzivni nastop magnetičnega Tadimana , nadarjenega Haris Piltona in senzacionalnega Oscar R Answah , ki bo občinstvo navdušili z očarljivim dubom v živo.🟢🟡🔴 🔊Soundsystem ekstravaganca v Pekarni! 🔊 ------------- 🚦This time in the Gustaf Pekarna Hall with two phenomenal sound systems!! - lively Urbi's Hi-Fi and Roots in the Woods Soundsystem. This musical journey will include an exclusive performance by the magnetic Tadiman, the talented Haris Pilton and the sensational Oscar R Answah, who will enthrall the audience with captivating live dub.🟢🟡🔴 🔊Soundsystem extravaganza in Pekarna!🔊 Pivovarna MALI GRAD Snail Rolling Papers RTC Jakec TRIJE KRALJI "Na najlepši strani Pohorja"