![Štrom: Overcharge w/ Aleroj & Isablu [CO]](https://pcaa-production-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/partycrave/f9314940-2cf3-45c9-8999-f4f2dc30bfe6.jpg)
Štrom: Overcharge w/ Aleroj & Isablu [CO]
This party is in the past
Gala Hala, Masarykova cesta 22
Friday, July 19, at 20:00
[EN_below] Low battery mode? Brez skrbi, saj Štrom na vrhuncu poletja končno spet trese temelje Gale Hale! Za preobremenjujoč klubski večer pripravljamo kolumbijski klubski prevzem! Vabimo producenta in DJa Aleroja, enega izmed vzhajajočih zvezd sodobne latinskoameriške elektronske scene, ki jo zaznamujejo mešanica domačih latinskih ritmov s hardcoreovskim in internentno zaznamovanim klubskim zvokom - ali ste že slišali za UwUaracho? Na poletni evropski turneji z njim potuje varovanka Isablu, prav tako dj-ka in producentka, ki nas bo tresla z zvoki kolumbijske basovske scene. Domači klubski program bo prav tako prekomerno naelektren: svoje baterije visoke kapacitete bosta v back to backu praznila rezidenta msn gf in Nice Trick, izkušena domača producenta in DJa, ki sta nedavno skupaj izdala svež paket klubskih predelav slovenskih pop klasik. Poleg tega gabi98, kurator gostiteljskega Nimaš Izbire kolektiva prav tako k eklektičnem btb-ju vabi basovsko favoritko Sahara Transort Services, članico dua The BPM Police. Za vizualije bo skrbel novopečeni elektroinštalater VJ RUFIJMEPROSIM s pomočjo Pixel Bambi. Pred klubsko ekstravaganzo vas vabimo tudi na večerno druženje na osvežujočem vrtu Gale Hale, kjer bomo postregli s pop-upom izbranih domačih DIY ustvarjalcev, mrzlim pivom ter dobro glasbo - začnemo ob 20:00! LINE-UP - CLUB: 23:00-05:00 Aleroj [Muakk - CO] soundcloud.com/aleroj instagram.com/aleroj.xo/ Isablu [CO] soundcloud.com/isabluu instagram.com/isa_blu98/ msn gf btb Nice Trick [Nimaš Izbire, Ustanova - SI] soundcloud.com/msn_gf instagram.com/msn_gf/ soundcloud.com/nicetrick instagram.com/najstrick/ Sahara Transport Services btb gabi98 [Nimaš Izbire - SI] soundcloud.com/..transportservices instagram.com/saharaserving/ soundcloud.com/gab198 instagram.com/gabriele_steffe/ VJ RUFIJMEPROSIM instagram.com/gabbergodforlife/ MUSIC POLICY: latin hardcore, internet club, baile, bass, post-club, happy hardcore, jungle, digicore, trance, latnix… LOCAL MAKERS MARKET - GARDEN: 20:00-end Sitri.wtf instagram.com/sitri.wtf/ Nimaš Izbire instagram.com/nimas_izbire/ Škarjenje instagram.com/scissoring_hair/ Onyx instagram.com/_onyxjewels_/ Liara T’Soni instagram.com/t_soni__/ Pixel Bambi instagram.com/pixel.bambi/ +++ TBA +++ Burek Olimpija instagram.com/burekolimpija/ VSTOPNINA / ENTRY FEE: Predprodaja / Presale: 10€ @ BigNose Shop / Gala Hala box office (limited) Na dan dogodka / Day of event: 12€ 20:00-23:00 13€ 23:00-end 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ Štrom je KVIR SKUPNOSTI PRIJAZEN dogodek, zato ne toleriramo nikakršne vrste nasilja, diskriminacije, seksizma, rasizma ali drugih oblik zatiranja! >>Prosite za soglasje in spoštujte osebni prostor - samo DA pomeni DA! >>Fotografiranje in snemanje JE dovoljeno, vendar prosimo, da spoštujete zasebnost drugih. Na dogodku bo prisoten fotograf. >>Če med večerom doživite ali opazite kakršno koli obliko nadlegovanja ali nasilja, se nujno obrnite na našo ekipo ali osebje kluba!!! 💌 Subscribe to our newsletter: nimasizbire.com/ _________________________________ Petek / Friday 19.7.2024 @ Gala Hala 20:00-05:00 Cover by Jaka Juhant & msn gf instagram.com/jjjuhant/ instagram.com/msn_gf/ Powered by Nimaš Izbire: instagram.com/nimas_izbire INFO/Contact: info@nimasizbire.com _________________________________ Low battery mode? Not to worry: Štrom is finally coming back at the height of summer, to recharge and shake Gala Hala to its foundations! For an overwhelming club night, we invite Colombian producer and DJ Aleroj, one of the swiftly rising stars of the cutting-edgy Latin American electronic scene, which is characterised by a mix of indigenous rhythms with hardcore and internet influenced club sound - have you heard of UwUaracha? Travelling with him on his summer European tour is his partner and protégé Isablu, upcoming DJ and producer, who will likewise make us dance to the sounds of the Colombian bass scene! To mark the grand return to Gala Hala, we’re also electrifying the domestic line-up: expect a back-to-back set from residents msn gf and Nice Trick, both local experienced producers and DJs who recently together released a fresh package of club edits of Slovenian classics. Furthermore, gabi98, the coordinator of the host Nimaš Izbire collective is teaming up with dear friend Sahara Transport Services, part of the duo The BPM Police, for a leftfield btb extravaganza! The visuals will be provided by the newly-appointed lineman VJ RUFIJIMEPROSIM with the help from Pixel Bambi. Before the club extravaganza, we also invite you to an evening hangout in the refreshing garden of Gala Hala, with a pop-up of selected local DIY art and fashion makers, cold beer and good music - starting at 20:00! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ Štrom is a QUEER FRIENDLY event, so we do not tolerate any kind of violence, discrimination against lgbtqia+, sexism, racism nor any other forms of oppression! >>Ask for consent & respect personal space - only YES means YES! >>Photography and filming IS allowed, but please respect the privacy of others. A photographer will be present at the event. >>If you experience or notice any form of harassment or violence during the evening, please urgently turn to our team or club staff!!!