Viva México 🇲🇽

Viva México 🇲🇽

This party is in the past



Štuk, Gosposvetska cesta 83

Monday, May 20, at 18:00

​🇲🇽 ¡Viva México! Pridružite se nam na fiesti, kjer bomo oživeli živahno kulturo in okuse Mehike! 🇲🇽 🎊 Skupaj se bomo potopili v tekmovalni duh z vznemirljivimi igrami in razburljivimi tekmovanji. Najprej bomo preverili svoje znanje v mehiški trivii, sledile pa bodo mehiško obarvane aktivnosti. (Namig: prednost imaš, če znaš delati tortilije in če si se že kdaj preizkusil v limbu) Za sodelovanje v tekmovalnih igrah, se samo kapetan največ 4-članske ekipe prijavi na tej povezavi (pod opisom dogodka). 🏆 Prvake tekmovanja čaka nora nagrada! ❗ Število mest je omejeno, zato pohitite z prijavo ekipe. Zagotovo ne bo manjkalo okusne mehiške hrane 🌮 in ohlajene tematske pijače 🍹. 💃 Ob druženju, smehu in plesu bomo pričakali sončni zahod, ko se nam priključi še DJ Čeri Bomb, ki nas bo v ritmu latino glasbe popeljal na popotovanje po eksotični Latino-Ameriki vse do jutra. 📅 20. 5. 2024 📍 Štuk atrij 🕒 18:00 – pričetek trviie in tekmovanja 20:00 – DJ Čeri Bomb 🎫 Vstopnina: brezplačno 👗 Dress code: Živahne barve (rdeča, rumena, oranžna,…) ❗Če se držiš dress coda, dobiš welcome shot mehiške pijače presenečenja🥃 📢Vstop za afterparty ni odvisen od sodelovanja na prejšnjih aktivnostih. Se vidimo. ENGLISH ​🇲🇽 ¡Viva Mexico! Join us at the fiesta, where we will bring to life the vibrant culture and flavors of Mexico! 🇲🇽 🎊 Together, we will immerse ourselves in the competitive spirit with exciting games and thrilling competitions. First, we will test our knowledge in Mexican trivia, followed by Mexican-themed activities. (Hint: You’ll have an advantage if you can make tortillas and if you’ve ever tried limbo) To participate in the competitive games, only the captain of a maximum 4-member team should register at (bellow event). 🏆 Champions of the competition will receive an amazing prize! ❗The number of spots is limited, so hurry up and sign up. There will certainly be no shortage of delicious Mexican food 🌮 and chilled thematic drinks 🍹. 💃 While socializing, laughing, and dancing, we will welcome the sunset, joined by DJ Čeri Bomb, who will lead us on a journey through exotic Latin America to the morning light with the rhythm of Latin music. 📅 May 20, 2024 📍 Štuk Atrium 🕒 18:00 – start of trivia and competition 20:00 – DJ Čeri Bomb 🎫 Admission: Free 👗 Dress code: Vibrant colors (red, yellow, orange, …) ❗ If you follow the dress code, you’ll receive a welcome shot of Mexican suprise drink. 🥃 📢 Entry to the afterparty is not dependent on participation in previous activities. See you there.