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Drum and Bass


Klub Gromka, Masarykova cesta 24

petek, 30. avgust ob 22:00

[ENG below] Zamislil smo se zakaj ni hudih trap/hiphop focused klubskih večerov v Ljubljani + secret Minnite performance?! To je naš odgovor temu. LSDS DJ posadka bo stiskala gumbe na playerjih pozno v noč. Neeko uletava z izmuzljivim setom, pravi da boste slišal en kup redkih soundcloudarsko distorziranih 808-ov in njegovih unreleased komadov. NoKiltr je bil bannan iz vseh klubov v Lj, ker je na zadnjem *Kromu rolal iz DJ appa na fonu, ampak smo se zmenil, da tokrat lahko pride, samo če se obnaša. Upajmo da. Male Ponco je ravno prišel iz spiritualnega potovanja, tkoda lahko stavmo da bo selekcija še bolj odbita kot vedno, vse od HipHoperskih Griselda-esque stihov do Jungle/DNB z basuljami prepletenih komadov. Dansky se po napornem letu študija v Beogradu, za par tednov vrača v domovino, reku je da je zdej etimološko izobražen o club bangerjih bivše-jugoslovanskega porekla. Se splača slišat. Uglavnem; vrtimo pokalice in krstimo nov soundsystem v Gromki na zadnji pravi poletni petek letos 😬 LINE-UP: -Secret performance by Minnite⁉️🤫🎤 instagram.com/minnite1/ Neeko [LSDS] instagram.com/neeko_808/ NoKiltr [LSDS, Nimaš Izbire] instagram.com/nokiltr/ Male Ponco [LSDS] instagram.com/male_ponco/ Dansky [LSDS] instagram.com/dangrabnar/ MUSIC POLICY; trap, hiphop, funk, disco, soul, afro psychedelica, garage, jungle, bass, DNB, broken beat... ________________________________ VSTOPNINA / ENTRY FEE: 7 € pred 23h, 10 € kasneje Petek 30.8.2024 @ Klub Gromka 22h Design by Žan Zupan Powered by LSDS (instagram.com/lsds.si/) [ENG] The LSDS DJ crew will be pushing buttons late into the night. Neeko is coming in with an elusive set, he is saying you'll hear a bunch of rare, SoundCloud-distorted 808s and his unreleased tracks. NoKiltr got banned from all the clubs in Ljubljana because he was DJing from an app on his phone at the last *Krom, but we've agreed he can come this time, as long as he behaves. Hopefully. Male Ponco has just returned from a spiritual journey, so we can bet that his selection will be even more outlandish than usual, from Griselda-esque deep cuts to Jungle/DNB tracks intertwined with heavy basses. After a hard year of studying in Belgrade, Dansky is returning home for a few weeks. He said he’s now etymologically educated about club bangers of former-Yugoslav origin. Worth hearing. Basically, we're pushing buttons at Gromka on the last real summer Friday this year.