The Tiger Lillies [open air]

The Tiger Lillies [open air]

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TrainStation SubArt, Kolodvorska cesta 8

četrtek, 18. julij ob 20:00

Na našem poletnem odru se bodo 18. julija ustavili punk-kabaretni zabavljači The Tiger Lillies! Tiger Lillies so bili ustanovljeni leta 1989 in skozi desetletja njihov nastop ostaja ena najbolj edinstvenih in izvirnih stvari, ki jih lahko vidite. Martyn Jacques, frontman skupine, tekstopisec in ustanovitelj, je večino svojih dvajsetih let preživel v stanovanju nad bordelom in skozi okno opazoval vrvež nizkotnega življenja v Sohu. Dobrih deset let je potreboval, da je ta čudni svet spremenil v umetnost, ob tem pa se je izobraževal kot pevec in tekstopisec. Leta 1989 je dobil svojo prvo harmoniko in kmalu zatem so nastali The Tiger Lillies. Znani so po svojih nastopih v gledališčih po vsem svetu, kjer združujejo svojo glasbo z elementi gledališča, pantomime in kabareta. Njihov nastop je pravo vizualno in zvočno doživetje, ki občinstvu ponuja edinstveno izkušnjo. Besedila so temačna, bizarna, satirična in groteskna, pogosto pa obravnavajo tudi teme, kot so smrt, spolnost in nasilje. Vstopnice: - predprodaja -- prvih 50: 22 eur / RAZPRODANO / SOLD OUT -- ostale: 25 eur - na vhodu: 30 eur ________________________________________________________________________ On July 18, punk-cabaret entertainers The Tiger Lillies are coming to our summer stage! The Tiger Lillies were formed in 1989 and over the decades their performance remains one of the most unique and original things you'll encounter. Martyn Jacques, the band's frontman, songwriter and founder, spent most of his twenties in a flat above a brothel, watching the hustle and bustle of low life in Soho through the window. It took him a good ten years to turn this strange world into art, while training as a singer and songwriter. In 1989 he got his first accordion and soon after The Tiger Lillies were formed. They are known for their performances in theaters around the world, where they combine their music with elements of theatre, pantomime and cabaret. Their performance is a real visual and audio experience that offers the audience a unique experience. Lyrics are dark, bizarre, satirical and grotesque, often dealing with themes such as death, sexuality and violence. Tickets: - pre-sale -- first 50: 22 eur -- others: 25 eur - at the entrance: 30 eur