Turbo Torek | Atomik Harmonik

Turbo Torek | Atomik Harmonik

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Štuk, Gosposvetska cesta 83

torek, 27. februar 2024 ob 21:00 - 04:00

❗Prvič se nam bo na Štuk-ovem odru pridružila legendarna slovenska turbo folk skupina Atomik Harmonik❗ Si pripravljen na nepozabno čago s samimi največjimi slovenskimi hiti? Pozitivna energija bo kar brizgala.😉 🎟️ Za 4€ si čimprej priskrbi karto in se vidimo v torek, 27. 2. ob 21.00 uri na Štuk-u! Da ti ne bodo kolegi pol peli "ti sploh neveš, kaj zamujaš ..." We will enter the new semester as hard as ever. . . ❗For the first time, the legendary Slovenian turbo folk band Atomik Harmonik will join us on Štuk's stage❗ Are you ready for an unforgettable party with only the greatest Slovenian hits? The positive energy will flow. 😉 🎟️ For 4€ get a ticket as soon as possible and see you on Tuesday, February 27th at 9pm at Štuk! Don't let your friends sing, "You don't know what you're missing ... "